1. Select the Cuby on which you want to apply a Rule.

  2. Click on Settings

  3. Select the Rules option

  4. Click the (+) icon to add a new rule.

  5. The app shows 2 options, blue + sign to add a new rule or green arrow to copy existing rules.

  6. New Rule: assign a name that will identify this rule.
  7. Set the conditions for this rule to apply.
  8. You can choose various conditions to the rule

  9. In this example the condition is: Temperature above 29ºC

  10. You can choose schedules condition: a period of time where the rule will apply.
  11. Choose an action to be executed when this conditions are met.
    you can activate notifications when the rules apply.
  12. Set up commands to be executed when the conditions are met. Click on Save to continue.

  13. The screen will show you an overview of the conditions and actions of your rule.

Updated on June 9, 2023

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